@ManagedBean(eager=true) @ApplicationScoped public class GlobalBean { ... }@ManagedBean annotation will be deprecated with JSF 2.2. It is highly recommended to use CDI (context dependency injection) beans in JEE environment. But what is the equivalent to the eager managed beans in CDI? Well, CDI is flexible, you can write portable CDI extensions. I asked Thomas Andraschko how to do this. Thomas is a CDI expert, co-owner of PrimeFaces Extensions and the committer in OpenWebBeans (OWB) project. His tip was to implement such extension as follows
@Qualifier @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE}) public @interface Eager { }
package mydomain.mypackage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.enterprise.event.Observes; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.AfterDeploymentValidation; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.BeanManager; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension; import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.ProcessBean; public class EagerExtension implements Extension { private List<Bean<?>> eagerBeansList = new ArrayList<Bean<?>>(); public <T> void collect(@Observes ProcessBean<T> event) { if (event.getAnnotated().isAnnotationPresent(Eager.class) && event.getAnnotated().isAnnotationPresent(ApplicationScoped.class)) { eagerBeansList.add(event.getBean()); } } public void load(@Observes AfterDeploymentValidation event, BeanManager beanManager) { for (Bean<?> bean : eagerBeansList) { // note: toString() is important to instantiate the bean beanManager.getReference(bean, bean.getBeanClass(), beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean)).toString(); } } }The extensions should be registered in a file META-INF/services/javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension. The file has only one line with a fully qualified path to the EagerExtension class, e.g. mydomain.mypackage.EagerExtension.
Using is simple. Assume, we have an application scoped LayoutController CDI bean which is responsible for the entire layout configration. We can annotate it with @Eager and speed up the layout creation.
@ApplicationScoped @Eager @Named public class LayoutController implements Serializable { private LayoutOptions layoutOptions; @PostConstruct protected void initialize() { layoutOptions = new LayoutOptions(); LayoutOptions panes = new LayoutOptions(); panes.addOption("slidable", false); panes.addOption("spacing", 6); layoutOptions.setPanesOptions(panes); ... } public LayoutOptions getLayoutOptions() { return layoutOptions; } }Have fun with CDI!
Hi Oleg,
ReplyDeletejust to understand: what's the advantage over a Singleton Session Bean with the @Startup annotation? Since you're using JEE anyway...
As front-end developer I don't use EJBs. This is another layer.
ReplyDeleteVery good just the thing I was looking for a couple of months ago.
ReplyDeleteI have been looking this type of information for a while because I am also working in Software Development Company Malaysia. I'd like to say thanks and want to say cheer!
ReplyDeleteYour post is very informative, I appreciate you for producing this great article, I want to say thanks to you for this awesome post..
ReplyDeleteOleg, in NetBeans 7.3, your code:
causes this error:
The CDI Annotation is declared as Qualifier but it has wrong target values. Correct target values are '{METHOD, FIELD, PARAMETER, TYPE'} or '{FIELD, PARAMETER'}.
Do you have a fix or work-around?
Thanks, Bill
Just remove the @Qualifier from @Eager, this is not required.
ReplyDeleteNice one Oleg! :)
ReplyDeleteSingleton beans ARE indeed an alternative, and they theoretically can be used in the front-end as pure front-end beans. They are part of the web profile and can be put in a .war.
Historically EJBs were for back-end business logic only, but these days (again theoretically) they are just beans and a developer can decide for what purpose to use them.
That said, practically speaking I see that many projects have the distinction EJB = business, CDI/JSF Managed beans = web/front-end. One must also take care that a Singleton comes with some baggage by default that might not be needed; every method acquires a lock AND starts a transaction. For many use cases in a web environment you would need to disable those. This makes an eagerly loaded CDI bean such as presented here a more natural solution.
Regarding the deprecation; JSF managed beans are still not officially deprecated, not even in JSF 2.2. You could say though that they are effectively deprecated as of JSF 2.2.
I hope JSF 2.3 will officially deprecate them and maybe start the Java EE pruning process even.
I just encountered a small issue with the extension and that is that it gives the following error when a producer method is used.
ReplyDeleteFor instance:
org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException: WELD-001305 The given type class org.wamblee.photos.model.plumbing.Producer is not a type of the bean Producer Method [Configuration] with qualifiers [@Eager @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @Eager @ApplicationScoped public org.wamblee.photos.model.plumbing.Producer.getConfiguration()]
In this case I defined a Producer class that has a producer method
public Configuration getConfiguration() {...}
The problem is that bean.getBeanClass() returns the class that contains the producer method (i.e. Producer) instead of configuration.
I could solve this problem by using the following code instead to create the bean:
CreationalContext ctx = beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean);
Nevertheless, I now see the bean being constructed twice. Once when I deploy the application (war) and once when it is injected for the first time into an object. Probably I am still not using the CDI API correctly. This happens both when I use the eager extension for a producer method or for a simple bean that is annotated with @Eager.
Really good stuff here, Oleg and Thomas, and all that commented/responded! I didn't know about this blog until scouring OmniFaces issue list.
ReplyDeleteOmniFaces issue 286: Add CDI compatible @Eager
Great stuff thanks, it helped me a lot :-)
ReplyDeleteIt annoys me this kind of very useful feature is not out-of-the-box. What the hell? Are CDI creators idiots or what?
ReplyDeleteWith @Observes the bean is created at startup too, also without Eager?
ReplyDeletepublic class MainClass {
ReplyDeletepublic static void main(final String... args) throws Exception {
public final void start(@Observes final ContainerInitialized event) throws Exception {
public class AutoStart {
public void start(@Observes final ContainerInitialized event) {
System.out.println("Hey I started.");
This should print
Hey I started.
Thanks to Alessandro Mattiuzzi