Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Client-side validation with jQuery validation plugin. Advanced examples.

In the last post I covered the basics of the great jQuery validation plugin - state-of-the-art for client-side validation. I'm going to show now an advanced example how to write validation rules, own validation methods and put all together. I'm writing a collaborative whiteboard just now and needed two dialogs placed in the same HTML form. My task were:

1) Write a dialog to input a valid image URL, image width and height. This dialog looks as follows

and was written in JSF (PrimeFaces) as
<p:dialog id="dialogInputImage" header="Input image URL" resizable="false" closable="true" modal="true" styleClass="validatable">
    <ul id="errorImageUl" class="errormsg"/>
    <h:panelGrid id="dlgImageGrid" columns="2" columnClasses="...">
        <h:outputLabel value="Image URL" for="inputUrl"/>
        <p:inputText id="inputUrl"/>
        <h:outputLabel value="Image width (px)" for="imgWidth"/>
            <p:inputText id="imgWidth" maxlength="4"/>
            <h:outputLabel value="Image height (px)" for="imgHeight" style="margin: 0 10px 0 10px;"/>
            <p:inputText id="imgHeight" maxlength="4"/>

2) Write a second dialog with input fields for whiteboard width and height. This dialog looks as follows

and was written in JSF (PrimeFaces) as
<p:dialog id="dialogResize" header="Resize Whiteboard" resizable="false" closable="true" modal="true" styleClass="validatable">
    <ul id="errorResizeUl" class="errormsg"/>
    <h:panelGrid id="dlgResizeGrid" columns="4" columnClasses="...">
        <h:outputLabel value="Whiteboard width (px)" for="wbWidth"/>
        <p:inputText id="wbWidth" maxlength="4"/>
        <h:outputLabel value="Whiteboard height (px)" for="wbHeight"/>
        <p:inputText id="wbHeight" maxlength="4"/>

3) Validation requirements:

First dialog.
- If nothing was input (all fields are empty) ==> no validation for all fields.
- If the URL field is empty ==> no validation for all fields.
- If the URL field is not empty ==> check if the URL is valid and input image width / height are positive digits (greater than 0).

Second dialog.
- Always check input width and height which should be positive digits (greater than 0).

Furthermore, error messages should be groupped. I use "errorPlacement" option for this. We need an error container to play nice with "errorPlacement". Therefore, I defined an error container in each dialog by UL element which will contain LI elements if any errors occur.
<ul id="..." class="errormsg"/>
Let me show the JavaScript part now. Comments help to understand the logic behind my code. The code should be placed after all p:dialog tags
jQuery(function() {
    // add a new validation method to validate image width / height
    jQuery.validator.addMethod("imageSize", function(value, element, param) {
        // check parameter "#inputUrl:filled" (see validate(...) method below) 
        if (jQuery.find(param).length < 1) {
            return true;

        // use built-in "digits" validator and check if digits are positive
        return !this.optional(element) && jQuery.validator.methods['digits'].call(this, value, element) && parseInt(value) > 0;
    }, "Please enter a valid image size (only positive digits are allowed).");

    // create an object with rules for convenience (using in validate(...))
    var dimensionRules = {
        required: true,
        digits: true,
        min: 1

    // create a validator with rules for all dialog fields
    dialogValidator = jQuery("#mainForm").validate({
        // validation is on demand ==> set onfocusout and onkeyup validation to false
        onfocusout: false,
        onkeyup: false,
        errorPlacement: function(label, elem) {
        wrapper: "li",
        rules: {
            inputUrl: {
                url: true
            imgWidth: {
                // validation of image size depends on input URL - validate size for not empty URL only
                imageSize: "#inputUrl:filled"
            imgHeight: {
                // validation of image size depends on input URL - validate size for not empty URL only
                imageSize: "#inputUrl:filled"
            wbWidth: dimensionRules,
            wbHeight: dimensionRules
        messages: {
            // define validation messages
            inputUrl: "Please enter a valid image URL.",
            imgWidth: "Please enter a valid image width (only positive digits are allowed).",
            imgHeight: "Please enter a valid image height (only positive digits are allowed).",
            wbWidth: "Please enter a valid whiteboard width (only positive digits are allowed).",
            wbHeight: "Please enter a valid whiteboard height (only positive digits are allowed)."

    // configure the first dialog
    jQuery("#dialogInputImage").dialog("option", "buttons", {
        "Accept": function() {
            // validate all fields if user click on the "Accept" button
            var isValid1 = dialogValidator.element("#inputUrl");
            var isValid2 = dialogValidator.element("#imgWidth");
            var isValid3 = dialogValidator.element("#imgHeight");

            if ((typeof isValid1 !== 'undefined' && !isValid1) || (typeof isValid2 !== 'undefined' && !isValid2) ||
               (typeof isValid3 !== 'undefined' && !isValid3)) {
                // validation failed
                return false;

            // do something ...
        "Close": function() {
    }).bind("dialogclose", function(event, ui) {
        // reset input
        // clean up validation messages

    // configure the second dialog
    jQuery("#dialogResize").dialog("option", "buttons", {
        "Accept": function() {
            // validate all fields if user click on the "Accept" button
            var isValid1 = dialogValidator.element("#wbWidth");
            var isValid2 = dialogValidator.element("#wbHeight");

            if ((typeof isValid1 !== 'undefined' && !isValid1) || (typeof isValid2 !== 'undefined' && !isValid2)) {
                // validation failed
                return false;

            // do something ...

            // do something ...
        "Close": function() {
    }).bind("dialogclose", function(event, ui) {
        // clean up validation messages
Validation looks now as follows

 In fact I already implemented partially client-side validation as JSF components ;-).


  1. Hello, please could you send me the example. I have problems with p: commandButton. What about that?.

    My E-mail:

  2. hello oleg it is a nice article about csv on primefaces could you share the code or sample project please thank you.

  3. The code for this article was here

  4. Hi Oleg,

    Great Post!

    Two questions though if you would be kind to answer:

    1. "The code should be placed after all p:dialog tags"

    Just a question though about your instruction above. I wanted to separate all of my javascript into a separate file per page. Can this code still work? And whats the process of doin this?

    I really dont like my JSF tags mixed with javascript so I prefer putting them into its own file.

    2. Externalize the javascript message?
    I see the messages as hardcoded in the javascript. Is there a way to handle any locale specific messages?


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