Beside fixed issues (full list on GitHub) we added a new JSF component QRCode. QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode for multi-purpose using. Refer this article on Wikipedia if you don't know what it is.
The QR Code is generated completely on the client-side. Usage example:
<pe:qrCode renderMethod="canvas" renderMode="2" text="" label="PF-Extensions" size="200" fillColor="7d767d" fontName="Ubuntu" fontColor="#01A9DB" ecLevel="H" radius="0.5"/>Furthermore, the component library and the showcase were updated to fit JSF 2.2. The PrimeFaces team lead Çagatay Çivici has provided us his dedicated server for deployment. We would like to thank him for that! This is the same server the PrimeFaces showcase is running on. Please consider a new URL for our showcase. The old URLs are out of date (I've canceled my VPS). The showcase is running on Mojarra 2.2.x. But of course we test it on MyFaces as well.
The new release is available as usually in the Maven central repository. Have fun!
Edit: Çagatay Çivici told us that the demos including PrimeFaces showcase, labs and extensions crashed a couple of times, so that he had to undeploy the extensions' showcase. The current showcase is deployed to Amazon EC2 instance and is running on Tomcat 7 now. Thanks to our user sebargarcia.