Decision to write this long article was driven by PrimeFaces community. People have troubles to develop web applications with server push techniques. Even with
Atmosphere - framework for building portable Comet and WebSocket based applications. Portable means it can run on Tomcat, JBoss, Jetty, GlassFish or any other application server which supports Servlet specification 2.5 or higher. If you want to be independent on underlying server and don't want to have headaches during implementation, use Atmosphere framework. It simplifies development and can be easy integrated into JSF or any other web frameworks (don't matter). I read Atmosphere doesn't play nice with JSF or similar. PrimeFaces had a special Athmosphere handler for JSF in 2.2.1. But that's all is not necessary. It doesn't matter what for a web framework you use - the intergration is the same. My intention is to show how to set up a bidirectional communication between client and server by using of Atmosphere. My open source project "
Collaborative Online-Whiteboard" demonstrates that this approach works well for all three transport protocols - Long-Polling, Streaming and WebSocket. This is an academic web application built on top of the Raphaƫl / jQuery JavaScript libraries, Atmosphere framework and PrimeFaces. You can open two browser windows (browser should support WebSocket) and try to draw shapes, to input text, to paste image, icon, to remove, clone, move elements etc.
We need a little theory at first. For bidirectional communication we need to define a Topic at first (called sometimes "channel"). Users subscribe to the Topic and act as Subscribers to receive new data (called updates or messages as well). A subscriber acts at the same time as Publisher and can send data to all subscribers (broadcasting). Topic can be expressed by an unique URL - from the technical point of view. URL should be specified in such a manner that all bidirectional communication goes through
AtmosphereServlet. JSF requests should go through
FacesServlet. This is a very important decision and probably the reason why Atmosphere integration in various web frameworks like JSF and Struts sometimes fails. Bidirectional communication should be lightweight and doesn't run all JSF lifecycle phases! This can be achieved by proper servlet-mapping in
web.xml. The picture below should demonstrate the architecture (example of my open source project).
For my use case I need messages in JSON format, but generally any data can be passed over bidirectional channel (XML, HTML). What is the Topic exactly? It depends on web application how you define the Topic. You can let user types it self (e.g. in chat applications) or make it predefined. In my application I equate Topic with Whiteboard-Id which is generated as UUID. Furthermore, I have introduced User-Id (= Publisher-Id) as well and called it Sender. Sender serves as identificator to filter Publisher out of all Subscribers. Publisher is normally not interested in self notification. I'm going to show using of Sender later. My Topic-URL follows this pattern
and looks like e.g. as
I use Atmosphere with
Jersey I think it's a better way than to write Atmosphere handlers or try to integrate MeteorServlet. Therefore, to start using of Atmosphere, you need a dependency to current Atmosphere and Jersey. Below is a dependency configuration for Maven users. Note: I cut logging off.
The next step is to add Atmosphere-jQuery plugin to the client side. This plugin can be downloaded from the Atmosphere's homepage. After placing
jquery.atmosphere.js under
webapp/resources/js you can include it with
<h:outputScript library="js" name="jquery.atmosphere.js" target="head"/>
Yes, I know that Atmosphere can load
jquery.atmosphere.js from JAR file in classpath, but a manual include is better in JSF environment. Now we are able to subscribe to the Topic and communicate with the server on the client side. There are two calls:
jQuery.atmosphere.subscribe() and
jQuery.atmosphere.response.push(). To establish a bidirectional communication, you need to call
subscribe(). You have to call this method just once when page has been loaded. After that the method
push() is responsible for data publushing to all subsribers. In the mentioned above web application I have an JavaScript object
WhiteboardDesigner which encapsulates the Atmosphere's
subscribe() call in the method
// Subscribes to bidirectional channel.
// This method should be called once the web-application is ready to use.
this.subscribePubSub = function() {
jQuery.atmosphere.request = {
transport: this.pubSubTransport,
maxRequest: 100000000
this.connectedEndpoint = jQuery.atmosphere.response;
The first parameter
this.pubSubUrl is the shown above Topic-URL. The second parameter
this.pubSubCallback is the callback function. The third parameter is the request configuration which keeps among other things transport protocol defined in
this.pubSubTransport: "long-polling", "streaming" or "websocket". The last line assigns
jQuery.atmosphere.response the variable
this.connectedEndpoint which allows us data publishing via
push(). So now when new data being received, the callback function
this.pubSubUrl gets called. Inside of the callback we can extract received data from response object. You can get the idea how to handle broadcasted data from my example:
// Callback method defined in the subscribePubSub() method.
// This method is always called when new data (updates) are available on server side.
this.pubSubCallback = function(response) {
if (response.transport != 'polling' &&
response.state != 'connected' &&
response.state != 'closed' && response.status == 200) {
var data = response.responseBody;
if (data.length > 0) {
// convert to JavaScript object
var jsData = JSON.parse(data);
// get broadcasted data
var action = jsData.action;
var sentProps = (jsData.element != null ? : null);
switch (action) {
case "create" :
case "update" :
case "remove" :
default :
To publish data over the Topic-URL you need to call
this.connectedEndpoint is a defined above shortcut for
jQuery.atmosphere.response. I call it in my example for created whiteboard elements as follows (just an example):
// Send changes to server when a new image was created.
"action": "create",
"element": {
"type": "Image",
"properties": {
"uuid": ...,
"x": ...,
"y": ...,
"url": ...,
"width": ...,
"height": ...
// Send any changes on client side to the server.
this.sendChanges = function(jsObject) {
// set timestamp
var curDate = new Date();
jsObject.timestamp = curDate.getTime() + curDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
// set user
jsObject.user = this.user;
// set whiteboard Id
jsObject.whiteboardId = this.whiteboardId;
var outgoingMessage = JSON.stringify(jsObject);
// send changes to all subscribed clients
this.connectedEndpoint.push(this.pubSubUrl, null, jQuery.atmosphere.request = {data: 'message=' + outgoingMessage});
Passed JavaScript object
jsObject is converted to JSON via
JSON.stringify(jsObject) befor it's sending to the server.
What is necessary on the server side? Calls
jQuery.atmosphere.subscribe() and
jQuery.atmosphere.response.push() have to be caught on the server side. I use Jersey and its annotations to catch GET- / POST-requests for the certain Topic-URL in a declarative way. For that are responsible annotations
@POST und
@PATH. I have developed the class
WhiteboardPubSub to catch the Topic-URL by means of
@Path("/pubsub/{topic}/{sender}"). With
@GET annotated method
subscribe() catches the call
jQuery.atmosphere.subscribe(). This method tells Atmosphere to suspend the current request until an event occurs. Topic (= Broadcaster) is also created in this method. Topic-String is extracted by the annotation
@PathParam from the Topic-URL. You can imagine a Broadcaster as a queue. As soon as a new message lands in the queue all subscribers get notified (browsers which are connected with Topic get this message). With
@POST annotated method
publish() catches the call
jQuery.atmosphere.response.push(). Client's data will be processed there and broadcasted to all subscribed connections. This occurs independent from the underlying transport protocol.
public class WhiteboardPubSub
private @PathParam("topic") Broadcaster topic;
public SuspendResponse<String> subscribe() {
return new SuspendResponse.SuspendResponseBuilder<String>().
public String publish(@FormParam("message") String message,
@PathParam("sender") String sender,
@Context AtmosphereResource resource) {
// find current sender in all suspended resources and
// remove it from the notification
Collection<AtmosphereResource<?, ?>> ars = topic.getAtmosphereResources();
if (ars == null) {
return "";
Set<AtmosphereResource<?, ?>> arsSubset = new HashSet<AtmosphereResource<?, ?>>();
HttpServletRequest curReq = null;
for (AtmosphereResource ar : ars) {
Object req = ar.getRequest();
if (req instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
String pathInfo = ((HttpServletRequest)req).getPathInfo();
String resSender = pathInfo.substring(pathInfo.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (!sender.equals(resSender)) {
} else {
curReq = (HttpServletRequest) req;
if (curReq == null) {
curReq = (HttpServletRequest) resource.getRequest();
// process current message (JSON) and create a new one (JSON) for subscribed clients
String newMessage = WhiteboardUtils.updateWhiteboardFromJson(curReq, message);
// broadcast subscribed clients except sender
topic.broadcast(newMessage, arsSubset);
return "";
In my case the method
publish() looks for sender (= publisher of this message) among all subscribers and removes it from the notification. It looks a little bit complicated. In simple case you can write
public Broadcastable publish(@FormParam("message") String message) {
return new Broadcastable(message, "", topic);
and that's all! The last step is the mentioned above configuration in
*.jsf requests should be mapped to
FacesServlet and
*.topic requests to
AtmosphereServlet. AtmosphereServlet can be configured comprehensively. Important configuration parameter is With this parameter you can tell Jersey where the annotated class is located (in my case
WhiteboardPubSub). In my example Jersey scans the directory
<!-- Faces Servlet -->
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<!-- Atmosphere Servlet -->
Please check Atmosphere documentation and showcases for more information.
Summary: We have seen that few things are needed to establish the bidirectional comminication: Topic-URL, callback function for data receiving,
subsribe() und
push() methods on client side, an Jersey class on server side and configuration in
web.xml to bind all parts together. JSF- und Atmosphere-requests should be treated separately. You maybe ask "but what is about the case if I need to access JSF stuff in Atmosphere-request?" For a simple case you can use
this technique to access managed beans. If you want to have a fully access to all JSF stuff you should use
this technique which allows accessing
FacesContext somewhere from the outside.
P.S. Good news. Atmosphere's lead Jeanfrancois Arcand
announced his intention to pursue the work on Atmosphere. He can invest more time now in his great framework.